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Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)

Duty holders are responsible for setting up adequate maintenance programmes and must assess the needs and frequency requirement of testing, maintaining and monitoring electrical systems and equipment.

Why do I need it?

Legislation requires electrical installations to be maintained in a safe condition and therefore, must be periodically inspected and tested.
Routine inspections enable you to provide a safe place of work for your employees and visitors. The process of visual and physical testing is known as Electrical Installation Condition Reporting (EICR) and is conducted on installations such as electrical wiring, circuits and connections. This testing is carried out on the entire electrical system within your business premises.

How often?

Depending on your business type you should never go more than 5 years maximum without testing & inspection, contact us today and we can talk you though your individual business requirements.

We usually offer 100% test & 100% visual inspection on our first visit this then can be reduced to 20% yearly test not only does this give you peace of mind that you are fully compliant and your electrical systems are safe, there is an added benefit for insurance premiums as a qualified person is inspecting & testing your premises every 12-months.

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